How do you stop someone who believes he or she has unlimited power and has the intent to use that power against the entire planet? This is what tore apart the planet during the time of Atlantis, and two continents went down under the ocean, and mankind was kicked back to caveman days.
Now, as the cycles are coming around again, and mankind has crawled our way back to this point where one individual has the capacity to tear apart the planet, we are once again replaying what occurred during that time period.
We are looking at where power comes from, and whether the power games work and why they don't work, and how to stop someone who is perpetrating acts of mayhem with the capacity to destroy mankind. We are looking at revenge and how it works.
The first thing people want to know is how to stop the person who is perpetrating acts of mayhem and tearing apart the community. The best example is Jesus of Nazareth and how he responded to the stoning of Mary Magdalene. He said, "He who is without sin, let him throw the first stone."
Jesus knew all about Darkness. This was his test, to be tested by the Darkness. He knew that Mary played seven power games and was so overcome by fear that she had demons harassing her. Demons are elemental beings who cause us to face our fears. Jesus was able to help Mary overcome her fears because he had done the same thing, and he could demonstrate the fact that it was possible to do so.
Each of us must face our fears, and it is something that lasts our entire lifetime. I faced my fears several years ago when I channeled a book with Beelzebub, the the king of the demons, and Seth, called "Facing Your Fears." I knew people judge anyone who "consorts with demons." How would I be judged? I am not sure if writing a book with a demon is considered consorting. Many people assume the battle in Heaven was between God and the demons, but that is not so. Archangel Michael fought a battle with Beelzebub, and he told us how it ended. This is something we will address in the booklet, and in several organization projects. And, when you assume responsibility for a project, you read "Who Do Your Trust?" by Lady Gaia, and she explains the difference between devils and demons.
How do we stop the sociopath who is tearing apart the planet?
The plan for world peace benefits everyone, and because it is based on Universal Law, no one can be left out of the plan. We are looking at power games and the fact they are based on three fears--loss, death and failure. The games are learned when we are children, and if not corrected by our parents when first recognized, we must go completely around the Cycle of Misunderstandings--which is what will be addressed in our books, also.
Therefore, as a matter of security, the entire community must come together and resist the games, but also make one member of the family--the person who was targeted by the sociopath--responsible for security issues, but also responsible for helping the sociopath overcome this form of mental illness--for this is what it is. The person is possessed by demons, which is something the Catholic Church is supposed to be responsible for. The only person who will assume responsibility for ending the conflict in the family is someone in the family.
One of our organization's exempt purposes is to offer loans to independent members to create clinics form mental, physical, emotional and spiritual healing. First, the sociopath must stop playing the games, and work to undo the damage that he or she has done, starting with unraveling the illusion that keeps the other members of the family from being part of the framework based on sharing talents and gifts to make win-win agreements.
The entire community must see that it is in everyone's best interest for this to come about.
Our organization will demonstrate this over the next year of projects. We have a rule that the family members of our independent members are welcome to attend every organization event, except for our Inventor/ Investor events. If someone plays a power game, he or she will be escorted to the airport and his or her possessions will be shipped home.
Imagine what will occur among the world leaders during the conference in Europe. What if the man who is the anti-Christ--meaning someone getting revenge on everyone and dragging people into helll on purpose--is there, and rattles his proverbial sabers. Imagine how everyone else will be there to work together to create the international government, and one man stands up to take control. Will he be able to prove his power is greater than the rest of the world leaders?
I don't think he will do anything more than to look ludicrous, which is the ultimate conclusion of the power games.