Yesterday, I got into a discussion about Merlin, and about how the
myths about him portray him as a magician when he was not magical at all. He played the power games of revenge that are based on weaving an illusion, either slavery or genocide--or both--and he was buried alive in a tor due to abuse of power, just as Hana was.
His name now should be remembered as TorMerlin.
Slavery and genocides are both based on weaving an illusion, and once the grand lie has been told, the truth doesn't overcome the lie. It just reaches the point where no one knows who to trust. People who rely on the power game of Envy, which leads to genocides, believe they lack capacity, and it leads to a sense of judgment, and the ultimate conclusion of that game is they are judged. Those who play the game of Lust, which leads to slavery, are coming from a fear of loss, and so they lose everyone and everything.
One the grand lie has been told, the ripples of effects go out and reinforce each other, and the stories become like weasels, twisting and turning, until there is a huge wall of impenetrable darkness that is so high and so wide there seems to be no solutions at all.
Under these circumstances, the only thing you can trust is Universal Law, because every atom in the Universe is subject to Universal Law, and you could say that even for those who declare they don't believe in Universal Law, it is steadfastly still in existence even with all the twisting and turning.
In the end, Merlin lost his power. People know oppression when they see it. He could weave an illusion to make anyone believe anything, but in the end, by taking one step up, oppression is still oppression, and Universal Law is fixed in reality. Universal Law is the return of the Light.
To get out of the illusion, you must do what is in everyone's best interest. You must start to apply Universal Law as a tool rather than a weapon.
To stop a genocide, someone must say stop.